Friday, January 15, 2016

Sweet Memories Layout

Hey peeps, it's finally Friday! That means it's time for another scrapbook layout. Before we dive in to the project for this week let me first tell you about the epiphany I had about an hour ago. Are you ready for it? Just because I upload a project for a specific day does NOT mean that the entire project must be completed solely on that day. I know most of you probably realize this along time ago, I guess I'm a little slow. But, as I was ripping my hair out trying to finish this layout in time to upload it for the Friday layout day I realized that maybe I should've actually started working on it before 3 PM today LOL. Hey will learn something new every day (even if it's something we should've learned a long time ago). 

For this weeks layout I once again was inspired by something I found on Pinterest (Man I love that website and app). Instead of putting the direct link here on my blog, I have it saved on my scrapbooks board on Pinterest, you can find me under Ashley Jestes. 

I am truly in love with this weeks layout! It has a boatload of candy what more could a girl ask for! For this layout I used primarily the Cricut Lite Sweet Shop cartridge, one of my personal favorites because it is loaded with sweet treats. The clouds once again came from my favorite Fiskar's punch, I have it in three different sizes (I believe they are medium, large and extra-large). For the title I used a phrase from the Winter Frolic cartridge, because I felt like it best describes the layout, and it is something anyone can use for just about any picture.

I hope you all like the layout just as much as I do! And I will see you back on Monday to continue with part three in the Christmas cards of 2015 series. And I give myself some homework for next week, Start my darn layouts earlier than Friday afternoon!

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to post them. I love hearing people's thoughts. 

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