Friday, March 3, 2017

I am so EXCITED!

As you can probably tell by the title of this post, I am excited! Why am I excited you ask? Because a family friend has asked me to make a wedding album for them to give to one of their family members who is getting married this coming June, and the kicker....they are going to PAY ME to do it, AND pass out my business cards so that I will hopefully be getting more paying customers!! For the first time in a long time I am actually going to be paid to create and it is a total dream come true. I am so blessed to have family and friends who love and support me and that are constantly telling me how talented I am, even when my confidence struggles to believe it.

The album that I will be making is a replica of one that I have made before, and is the reason that I was commissioned to make an album in the first place. Although I have made it a couple of times I have yet to post it here on my blog, so this gives me a great reason. It may take a couple of weeks before pictures and info about the album start to appear here on my blog because I am still waiting on a few pieces of information before I start. So, check back soon! 

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