Friday, September 15, 2017

Quilled Birthday

Sometimes I forget how much fun a card kit can be. All the supplies you will need come prepackaged in one color coordinated bundle just ready to be assembled in whatever manner you choose. A while back, I can't even remember when now, I bought a quilling card kit simply because I thought that it would be fun. I have never actually done any quilling but I have seen several people online do it and thought that it looked complicated and fun. When I came across this cute quilling kit I thought that it was time that I give this new craft a try. So far, this is the only card that I have completed (because it was the easiest one) but I do plan to make more in the future.

Quick question for you? When you are attempting a new project, such as a new craft, do you like to take it easy and start with a beginner project? Or, do you jump straight in to the deep end with an ADVANCED project and then get mad when it fails because you don't know the basics?

I am definitely the latter which is why I only have one card to show you today, the rest of my "attempts" are lying crumpled up in a ball at the bottom of my trash can because they ultimately resembled a blob. So after several frustrating hours trying to make these complicated quilled masterpieces that I saw on Pinterest, I finally hung my head and went back to the beginner projects to learn the basics. But, I made a promise to myself and those crumpled attempts as I lovingly placed them in the trash that I would be back to  defeat them another day.

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