Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Lethal Luau- Food Table

In 2016 the theme for the Halloween Murder Mystery party that I did with my family and friends was HAWAIIAN. The name of the game was Lethal Luau and can be found HERE on Amazon. (I was fortunate enough to find this particular game at my local Good Will for about $2) This particular year was a BLAST! It seemed like most people enjoyed this one a bit more than the previous year. I don't know if that was because of the theme, the game itself or just everyone's overall mood coming into it.

When I was in College (getting my Culinary Degree) I had a class where we actually operated a restaurant one day a week. Each week focused on cuisine from specific regions of the country. The menu was planned by the student who was the leader for that particular cuisine. Lucky for me, when it was my week I was assigned Hawaiian cuisine, so I had had to put a LOT of thought and effort into foods from that region in order to create a menu. So, when I saw the theme for this particular Murder Mystery was Hawaiian I grabbed my old notes and set to planning.

For the entree part of the meal we once again had a salad, but this time it was strictly made of spinach and arugula leaves with several dressing options. Next, we had some Hawaiian sweet rolls and barbecue pulled pork. You could either make a sandwich or eat them separately. We also had coconut shrimp (my FAVORITE) with a side of cocktail sauce, french fries in both regular and sweet potato varieties and lastly, a bowl full of amazing corn in a cream cheese sauce. Not to toot my own horn, but this menu tasted AWESOME!!

OH, I know that it is hard to tell but the platters that the rolls, pork and shrimp are on are actually shaped (and decorated) like surfboards.

DESSERT time, who else looks forward to this part the most? This year I allowed myself to ONLY make three things. ☺ Hey, at least I am TRYING to limit myself. For the first dessert I recreated a cookie treat that I found on Pinterest using Nutter Butter cookies, cookie icing and some sugar pearls to make these adorable flip-flops. Next, I made some mini pineapple upside down cakes in a muffin tin. I left out the cherries since I know that some of my guests don't like them, but I did place a bowl of Maraschino cherries next to the cakes in case people (like me ☺ ) wanted to add a cherry to theirs. Lastly, I made some coconut cupcakes. Looking at the pictures of all of these great desserts is making me SO HUNGRY!! 

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