Friday, October 12, 2018

Murder on the Grill- Food Table

Hey guys, happy Friday. I hope that your week has gone well and that you have some exciting plans for the weekend because I don't lol.

I have actually been feeling pretty blah all week. My back is still hurting from my all day card-a-thon last Saturday and it has made my stomach hurt as well. Oh well, let's start discussing something that ALWAYS makes me feel better...FOOD!! (Namely dessert but food works as well ☺)
I mentioned earlier this month that I would spend a couple of days solely focused on the food that I made for my different Halloween Murder Mystery Parties. The first party was from back in 2014 and was called Murder on the Grill.  If you click HERE you can check it out on Amazon if you are interested.

Before we begin discussing the food that I prepared for the party I want to start off by saying...."Hi my name is Ashley and I have a problem deciding between ideas, so I just MAKE THEM ALL!! I had enough food for 25 people easily....and I only invited 8." Please, no judging.
Since the theme of the party was a 1950 barbecue the actual food portion was pretty simple. We grilled hamburgers and hot dogs outside on our gas grill (because the weather was actually nice enough to be outside in October, which is rare). I forgot to grab a picture of the burgers and dogs before my hungry guests started shoveling them into their mouths. We also had a large bowl of salad with several different kinds of dressing. Three different kinds of chips (Fritos, Cheetos and Tostitos) as well as a Croc-pot full of chili to add to either the chips or the hot dogs.

Now dessert is where I lost it a bit...okay A LOT!! I couldn't decide between all of the 1950's themed desserts and Halloween related ones. Since this was the first Halloween related party that I had ever had, I wanted to include some treats that represented the holiday but also represented the theme of the overall party. Why not do a mash-up? It works with music, what could possibly go wrong? 

Let's start with the Halloween treats. I made both chocolate and vanilla cupcakes that I frosted with vanilla buttercream that was dyed black and orange and then  swirled together. Then I had THREE different kinds of cookies. A mint cookie that I bought to make into witches hats but ran out of time. Fudge striped cookies because....I don't remember why and finally a homemade sugar cookie that I again dyed black and orange and then swirled into a pinwheel before baking. (with the leftover dough from the sugar cookies I simply cut out some pumpkin shapes.)

I also had a plastic cauldron full of leftover Halloween candy (all chocolate), a bowl full of Hershey kisses that I had bought for the witches hat cookies and a large bowl full of Skittles simply because I like them. Are you feeling overwhelmed yet?? Because guess what, we haven't even talked about the 1950s themed desserts that I made. 

I made some personal sized pies (both apple and cherry of course) using a muffin pan. I also made TWO trays full of brownies for some strange reason. Then (not pictured) I made some Jello shots (that did NOT have alcohol) in about 4 different flavors (because one is just not enough) with some store bought whipped topping. I had also purchased some ice cream and root beer to make Root Beer Floats but unfortunately the freezer that I had the ice cream in when out and it all melted. Lastly, I made some truly ADORABLE milkshake cake pops that I saw on Youtube. They were probably everyone's favorite thing that I made!!

By the way, my grandpa had had a severe facial surgery for skin cancer just a couple of days before the party so I had been out out town helping to care for him. I only came back home on Friday night and the party was set to start at around NOON on Saturday and the ONLY thing that had been made was the sugar cookies and the store bought extras! I started cooking the SECOND that I walked through the door Friday and only took an hour off to sleep before I was at it again. If it wasn't for my mom's help the party never would have happened!! 

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