Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The Sky Is The Limit

A couple of weeks ago, two ladies that work with my mom, celebrated their lasts days working at the Church. One retired to travel with her husband and the other decided to move on to another phase in her life. The plus side for me is that my mom 'hired' me to make cards for each of the ladies.

I talked to my mom about what she was looking for in a card and she said that she really didn't know. The only thing that she said was that she didn't want the cards to be focused on the fact that they were leaving but to instead focus on what lies ahead for each of them.

Like I did with the masculine Father's Day cards from last week, I decided to break each card down by the recipient. The first was retiring after working there a number of years and planned to take some cross country trips with her husband. When I came across this hot air balloon stamp in my stash I felt that it would be fitting for the occasion and the freedom that she would now have to take the trips that she wants to take and has dreamt so long about.

Psst... I will post the other card on Friday, be sure to check it out. 

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