Monday, September 24, 2018

Bakery Window (plus a Rant)

I have a really bad habit of letting other peoples thoughts, opinions and actions adversely effect my personal feelings.  I shut down and internalize it all to the extent that it changes my mental and physical feelings. Do any of you suffer from this same affliction? I frequently ask myself 'how do I stop caring what other people say and do'? I have yet to find the solution.

I have been in a funk since Friday. Everything either makes me mad or makes me want to cry. I HATE it when I get like this. It also makes me start doubting everything I do, such as projects, blog posts, etc. It makes me shut down and become completely unmotivated.

*Rant* I am so sick of people not having my back but expecting me to always have theirs. It is not friendship to always put other people (aka men) ahead of the person who has stood by you through the difficult situations. And, when you finally pluck up the courage to ask your family (who have told you countless times that you need to start asking for help) for help with something, your family shouldn't make you feel like you are just a waste of their time and that everything you have already done is wrong, just because it is different from the way that THEY would do it.  *End of rant....hopefully*

I am trying to overcome my own self because that is all I can control. So,  last night I laid in bed with my eyes closed and prayed. I prayed until I cried that I could shut out the negativity and start caring about myself, for the first time in a long time. When I woke up this morning, a little voice inside my head (God, was that you?) was telling me that sometimes it's okay to be selfish and to put your self first, heck everyone else seems to have no problem with that. Now I just have to figure out how to do that. ☺

I know that my little rant has nothing to do with today's project but it was something that I needed to say and I am too...shy? Weak? Chicken? To say it to the people actually involved. Heck, maybe one of them will surprise me (and themselves) and read my blog because it's "never going to amount to anything or make me any money, so I should just give up". My goal is to prove them WRONG!!

Anyway, today I thought that I would share this cute bakery window scrapbook page that I made. It is another layout that was completely inspired by the pattern already printed on the background paper. I added a couple of 4 x 6 inch photo mats and then turned to my Cricut to find the awning to make it look like a window in a bakery. FYI, the awning was cut using the Cricut Family Album Cartridge. I added some foam dimension to the awning so that a photo can still be slipped under it and into the clear photo corner on the photo mats. 

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