Friday, December 1, 2017

Paper Tree Ornaments

The countdown is on and it is T minus 24 days until CHRISTMAS!! Are you feeling the Christmas spirit yet? No? Me neither. So I have a question for you. When does YOUR Christmas season begin? I have told my family for many years now, that I absolutely refuse to admit that Christmas has begun until December first, because otherwise I get overloaded. Now, I love Christmas movies, music, food, etc. But, having a steady dose of it for 3 solid months gets a bit much. Around here most stores start putting up their Christmas displays around Halloween if not earlier and at about that same time there are several TV channels (Hallmark I'm looking at you) that become completely oversaturated with non-stop Christmas movies. By limiting myself to only one month to celebrate, I tend to 'schedule' out what is most important for me to do that season and it helps me to appreciate each Christmasy thing that I do do, if that makes sense.

Now that my mini rant is done, let's talk Christmas crafts. I decided that I would make a couple of new ornaments for my tree this year. I haven't made any for several years now and I would like to be able to put something new up ever couple of years.

The first ornament that I want to share is a snowflake ball. I bought a small styrofoam circle and then punched out several snowflakes (you could use a flower punch as well for a little bit different look that I might have to try later). Then I used straight pins to adhere the center of the snowflake to the styrofoam. To cover the head of the straight pins I added a bright red, sticky-backed pearl to the center of each snowflake.

It was difficult to get a good picture of the ornament because shadows kept getting in the way (and I am to lazy to put my tree up right now in order to get a good hanging photo) but I hope that you can get an idea of how they look. Also, in hindsight, I should have used a dab of hot glue or some other strong glue to adhere the pearls because they are now popping off of the snowflakes. You live and you learn.

The other ornament that I made came straight from the Youtube channel Maymay made it. She did a tutorial on the beautiful angels and I just HAD to make a couple. I love them!! I also love that you can get completely different looks, depending on what punches you use for your angels wings and the bottom of her dress. 

(By the way, the second photo is actually the BACK of the ornament.)

I decided this year to end each post with a Christmas themed question, so for today its going to be:

What is your favorite Christmas Ornament that you own and why is it your favorite?
- Mine is actually a cupcake ornament that I made a few years back for several members of my family as well as myself and my mom. If you are interested I could probably be persuaded to show it to you. 

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